14 July, 2007

This Week's Contest: Contest Ideas

In our last contest, we asked you for tricks for teaching correct word order in a sentence. Paul D. in Costa Rica reminds his students that place always comes before time (e.g., "I went to the store on Saturday," not "I went on Saturday to the store."). To help them remember, he reminds them that the letter "p" comes before the letter "t" in the alphabet: therefore, "place" comes before "time." Good memory device, Paul--you get five free credits!

For our next contest, we'll award five credits for the best suggestion from our readers for a contest topic! Frankly, we're running out of ideas, so we're turning the next contest over to you. Send your topic ideas to info@englishtoolbox.com by 20 July, and don't worry if you're not yet an English Toolbox subscriber: you can still get the credits and use them to download exercises. Good luck!

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