20 September, 2007

Business English Library is Growing!

We've seen an increased demand for high-level Business English exercises from our customers, and we're working hard to meet it! Here's a "quick & dirty" way to see what's available. Click the "Search" link at the top of this page and use the top pull-down menu (English Course) to select "Business," then use the next menu (English Level) to select "Advanced." Then set the "File Type" menu for "MS Word Document Exercise" and click the "Search for Exercises" button. This will give you a list of all of the more than 100 unique Business English exercises we have for students at an advanced level. You can repeat the process for "Intermediate" rather than "Advanced" by changing your selection in the second pull-down menu. Since beginners are usually not learning Business English, you'll find only a few in that sort result, although we do have some for basic telephoning and small talk in a business environment.

We've added more exercises this week on logistics, business idioms and teleconferencing: check them out!

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