30 November, 2007
This Week's Contest: Motivating Students
Our last contest asked the question, "Why are you a TEFL teacher?" Not surprisingly, the majority of responses were along the lines of, "To see the world!" Many of our readers talked about working in Asia and being able to travel to other Asian countries relatively cheaply; others said the same about working in Europe. Our favorite reply, however, came from Christine L. in Osaka, Japan. She says that she stays in the field because she enjoys the comradeship she finds among other expats. "I’ve found that people who can successfully live and work outside their home countries are usually the most interesting people to know. I’d never have met such great people if I’d stayed in England my whole life." We agree, Christine, that TEFL people are superior beings (especially when they subscribe to our site!) and we are happy to enhance your expat lifestyle with five free English Toolbox credits!
For our next contest, tell us how you motivate learners who are frustrated or on the verge of giving up on learning English. The teacher with the best method will win five free English Toolbox credits, even if s/he does not currently subscribe. Send your contributions to info@englishtoolbox.com by 10 December.
For our next contest, tell us how you motivate learners who are frustrated or on the verge of giving up on learning English. The teacher with the best method will win five free English Toolbox credits, even if s/he does not currently subscribe. Send your contributions to info@englishtoolbox.com by 10 December.
21 November, 2007
Holiday Sale on Complete Lesson Plans
We're offering a 50%-off sale on our complete lesson plans in PDF format. Effective immediately, it now only costs five credits to buy lesson plans that focus on a variety of TEFL skills. Both General and Business English lesson plans are available, for a variety of fluency levels. To see what is available, go to our Search page and select File Type > Lesson Plans (PDF only). Each document has at least 10 pages of exercises, activities and graphics, and can easily fill one or more class periods.
Enjoy the savings!
Enjoy the savings!
20 November, 2007
This Week's Contest: Why are You a TEFL Teacher?
Last time, we asked if you were members of any professional organizations associated with TEFL and what benefits (if any) they offered. Elaine B. in Sofia, Bulgaria says that she is a member of TESOL, but that she doesn't participate in its conferences or political lobbying; rather, she likes their Placement Board. "They send out a monthly listing of academic and other EFL positions that you usually can't find on other job boards." A very practical reason for paying the annual membership fee, Elaine: enjoy your five free English Toolbox credits!
For our next contest, tell us why you entered the field of teaching English as a second/foreign language. The most interesting story will net the writer five free English Toolbox credits, even if s/he does not currently subscribe. Send your epiphanies to info@englishtoolbox.com by 25 November.
For our next contest, tell us why you entered the field of teaching English as a second/foreign language. The most interesting story will net the writer five free English Toolbox credits, even if s/he does not currently subscribe. Send your epiphanies to info@englishtoolbox.com by 25 November.
08 November, 2007
This Week's Contest: Professional Organizations
In our last contest, we asked you to tell us how and why you are (or are not) using CALL in your classroom. Our favorite response came from Max R. in Dubai. Max says that he develops CALL materials for use by his students (and, of course, utilizes the interactive exercises he buys from English Toolbox), but gives them out to be used as homework review. He feels the time spent in class should be devoted to interaction between teacher and students, and that using a computer in class takes away from the focused attention required to teach. Nice answer, Max: you get five free English Toolbox credits (and your students get five more exercises with which to practice their English!).
Our next contest takes up the issue of professional organizations associated with TEFL. Do you belong to any? Why or why not, and which ones? Do they help you in your professional development? The most interesting and detailed answer will earn the sender five free English Toolbox credits, even if s/he does not currently subscribe. Send your thoughts to info@englishtoolbox.com by 15 November to qualify.
Our next contest takes up the issue of professional organizations associated with TEFL. Do you belong to any? Why or why not, and which ones? Do they help you in your professional development? The most interesting and detailed answer will earn the sender five free English Toolbox credits, even if s/he does not currently subscribe. Send your thoughts to info@englishtoolbox.com by 15 November to qualify.
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