20 November, 2007

This Week's Contest: Why are You a TEFL Teacher?

Last time, we asked if you were members of any professional organizations associated with TEFL and what benefits (if any) they offered. Elaine B. in Sofia, Bulgaria says that she is a member of TESOL, but that she doesn't participate in its conferences or political lobbying; rather, she likes their Placement Board. "They send out a monthly listing of academic and other EFL positions that you usually can't find on other job boards." A very practical reason for paying the annual membership fee, Elaine: enjoy your five free English Toolbox credits!

For our next contest, tell us why you entered the field of teaching English as a second/foreign language. The most interesting story will net the writer five free English Toolbox credits, even if s/he does not currently subscribe. Send your epiphanies to info@englishtoolbox.com by 25 November.

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