28 January, 2008

This Week's Contest: Using L1 in the Classroom

Our last contest asked our American teachers if they’ve encountered more hostility lately towards their native land due to the Iraq War, George Bush, et al. Most of those who wrote in said that they regularly hear negative comments about Bush, the war and U.S. foreign policy in general, but that it never becomes personal against the American English teacher. As Charlie A. in Athens wrote, "The diatribes I hear usually end with the speaker saying that this doesn’t apply to me, because I’m 'not a typical American' (which I consider to be a compliment)." Well, here’s something else to cheer you up, Charlie: five free English Toolbox credits!

For our next contest, tell us if you ever use your students’ native language in the classroom. Do you think that knowing some of the local L1 is helpful in explaining things in English, or do you insist on an English-only environment? The most interesting response will win its author five free English Toolbox credits, even if s/he does not currently subscribe. Send your contributions to info@englishtoolbox.com by 5 February.

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