09 August, 2008

Cali Qualifications

If you think you needed a lot of training to teach in China or France, be thankful you didn't need to get the training to teach English in California. Click this link to read the full article; here's an excerpt:

To enroll in the intern program, I had to fill out more applications and then complete 40 hours of pre-service training in teaching English language learners, a course that in theory would have been very useful but in fact only entailed reading a stack of paperwork and writing essays I suspected would be stuck in my file unread. I also had to summarize what I'd learned in a page of sentences that began with "I used to think," and ended with "but now I know ... ."

Whatever the actual purpose of this exercise, writing about my former state of ignorance felt like some kind of forced confession by a totalitarian state.

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