02 August, 2008

This Week's Contest: Supplementary Teaching

We wanted to know if you had any specific deadline or target for giving up TEFL. Or did you all plan to stay in the profession for your entire working lives? A few of you wrote along the lines of, "It's always been my dream to spend some time living in Country X, and once I do that I'll go back home and get a real job." But the reply we liked best came from Iris Y. in Cameroon, who said, "I'll stop teaching on the day I stop learning from my students." Lovely, Iris: we may even have that stitched onto a pillow for our office sofa! You get five free English Toolbox credits.

Next time, tell us about any supplementary teaching you may be doing, i.e., outside of your regular class schedule. Do you have any private students, or do you do any internet training? Or is your regular schedule more than enough work for you? The most interesting response will win the responder five free English Toolbox credits, even if s/he does not currently subscribe. Send your contributions to info@englishtoolbox.com by 15 August.

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