16 August, 2008
This Week's Contest: Training Myths
We inquired last time about any extra teaching you may be doing outside of your regular class schedule. A couple of you wrote that you had outside, "private" students you saw one-on-one; one respondent also teaches a university class in addition to his work teaching Business English as an in-company trainer. The answer we liked the most, however, came from April J. in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia, who teaches a full load of classes for children Monday through Friday, but still manages to do some video training a few times a week. "For one thing, I need to speak to adults occasionally so I can keep my Business English skills fresh," April wrote. "For another, I can always cancel or re-schedule a video class more easily than a face-to-face class if I'm feeling too tired: there's always another teacher who can pick up the slack." Very nice, April: you've won five free English Toolbox credits!
Our next contest will focus on the differences between what you were taught in your EFL preparatory course, and what you experienced with real students once you actually started teaching. What was your biggest surprise as a new teacher? Was there anything that was the opposite of what you'd been told while you were getting certified? The most interesting response will win the responder five free English Toolbox credits, even if s/he does not currently subscribe. Send your contributions to info@englishtoolbox.com by 31 August.
Our next contest will focus on the differences between what you were taught in your EFL preparatory course, and what you experienced with real students once you actually started teaching. What was your biggest surprise as a new teacher? Was there anything that was the opposite of what you'd been told while you were getting certified? The most interesting response will win the responder five free English Toolbox credits, even if s/he does not currently subscribe. Send your contributions to info@englishtoolbox.com by 31 August.
Labels: EFL, teaching English, TEFL
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